Isn't it great? Tom Foolery held the TFX 2008 Writing Competition and all the entrants received a fantastic bespoke card as a prize - every card is different and all designed by TF herself so go to TF's and check them out!
Another Birthday. I'm 63 today! Time feels like the wheel on the card free-wheeling quickly away; I can NOT believe I'm so old. OK, old in years but young at heart (sometimes).
The third 'Another'? Unfortunately that was an agent rejection. The nice thing is that I got it earlier in the week so it hasn't blighted my day.
And please go and give Helen @ Fiction Is Stranger Than Fact a hug to let her know we're all thinking of her.
Happy Birthday Pat.
Happy Birthday Pat! Have a lovely day.
Aren't TFX's cards brilliant.
A very Happy Birthday to you Pat, I hope you have a wonderful day.x
Congratulations on your lovely award, TF is so clever.
Now then Pat, what have I told you??? The witches never age beyond twenty-nine!!!
Happy, Happy Birthday!!! And here's to many more. Raising a cyber glass of bubbly to you (oh okay so I really DO have a glass of bubbly but hey it's almost 6pm down here!!!!!!!)
Happy birthday to Pat! I hope you have a lovely day.
Lovely award.
Happy Birthday Pat, and thank you so much for your support x
Happy Birthday Pat, whatever you are up to, make it a good one! x
Thank you, Jo, Lane and Debs.
TF's cards are brilliant. Real keepers.
From where I am standing, 63 is definitely not old Pat!
Happy birthday! Congrats on your award and comisserations on your rejection. Their loss...I've fixed my blog so with any luck you will be able to leave a comment now. xo
Happy Birthday Pat. 63 is young m'dear. Glad you liked your award TFx
Thank you, JJ. It's been a lovely day so far.
You're more than welcome, Helen.
Thank you for my b/day wishes
Thank you L-Plate, Weaver, DJ and TF.
OK, maybe I'm not *really* old.
Happy Birthday, Pat!
63 is the new 45, you realise that?
Bad luck on the rejection, better luck on its next outing.
Happy Birthday hon. I hope you had a fantastic day :-)
And congratulations on the award....it's rather snazzy!!
C x
Hope you had a lovely day - 63 looks and sounds mathematically pleasing so enjoy every day of it!
happy birthday Pat and I hope you have a wonderful day! And well done on your award.
Happy Belated Birthday! Sorry I missed it but it wasn't possible to blog whilst dangling over a yawning chasm in theme park land...
Hope you had a grand day and that TessaB came through?
Happy Birthday, Pat :0)
Happy (belated) Birthday Pat! All the best people are born on 25th October :o) xx
Now that's good to know, Maddie. Thank you for the HB wishes and the good luck. I had quite a few books published when I was 45 *grin*, so I'm quite happy to be that age now.
Thank you, Carol. Yes, TFX's award is snazzy!
Hmm, Jen, that clashes with what I said to Maddie, but 63 does look pleasing now I think about it.
Thank you Flowerpot, I had a great day.
That's ok, Tam. Glad you didn't fall into the chasm. Tessa B came through but there's a delay on Della Galton's 'How to Write and Sell Short Stories' so it will be a belated prezzie.
Thank you, Mummy. Hope yours will be as good as mine.
I like belated greetings, Cally. And, of course, I have to agree with your statement about 25th October.
Belated Happy £*th Birthday greetings Pat, hope you had a lovely day, and congrats on the award - that competition was fun :o)
yay!!!! i can sing my song once again!!!
Thanks, Karen. I had a lovely weekend.
Good voice you've got there, Ellie. I enjoyed listening *smile*
We always have birthday weeks in our family so Happy Birthday Week to you.
Happy (belated) Birthday, Pat. Sorry I missed it. Hope you had a super day.
Congrats on the award. Thoroughly deserved. And isn't TF clever!
It's good isn't it, Fiona? I know I've still got a couple of cards to come.
Shirley, yes, I had a great day that (as above) is continuing.
Thank you both for the wishes!
Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Pat, Happy birthday to you. (To be said in song!) x
Happy Birthday. And let's hope this rejection result in a yes - from a bigger publisher!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, PAT. So sorry I missed it, I feel really bad about not coming down but really, you wouldn't have wanted me coughing and sneezing all over you!
See you soon my friend.
CJ xx
I know it's past, but Happy Birthday anyway! We try to celebrate birthday week here at our house, so I give you permission to do the same!
Lovely week to you from Edward and myself!
I heard you singing, Fionnuala!
Thank you, Carol, let's hope so!
Hope the coughs and sneezes have gone now, Crystal. See you soon!
Pamela and Edward, thank you. I think my birthday is going to last a month this year!
A belated happy birthday Pat.
I liked your poem by the way.
Hi, Cait, and thank you.
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