While I'm waiting to go to the next party... at Christina's http://christinaphillips.blogspot.com/
on Friday ... in between writing the book of my heart, I'm working on a new idea for an early chapter book.
I really love this stage of doing mock-ups (muck-ups?) so I can get to know my characters better.
How do you get to know your characters?
I love getting to know my characters. That's the best part of writing for me.
To really get to know them, I take them with me. Sounds mad, I know, but they go everywhere with me - dog walking, Asda, pub, kitchen. I see them doing the things I'm doing until I know exactly what they think about everything.
That's the theory anyway. ;o)
And bed as well, Shirley!
Methinks our poor hubbies have a lot to pout up with.
I think everyone has a different method - I don't write stories often - usually I stick to factual stuff or poetry - but I would guess the process is similar. I start, usually when I am out walking, thinking of a particular person or thing and the idea grows. Often new threads come in the middle of the night! I read that some authors let the characters build themselves - not knowing where they are going next.
Love the picture:-)
Shirley's already written my comment! I take my characters everywhere with me too and imagine them doing everyday things. If I'm driving they're often in the passenger seat, telling me about themselves. Sometimes, they don't half go on:-)
Hi, Weaver
Yes...that middle of the night thing; I get it, too.
Hope Tess is being good?
Thanks, Lane.
I can't draw to save my life but it's fun trying to find pictures that match those in my head.
I think my King Horace Harley is going to make an amusing companion to take places! I don't think the Queen will be too pleased about his outings though. They'll be very UN-royal.
I ask them random questions about themselves and why they did certain things. It's very illuminating.
Lots of love from Cookie Crumble, Ginger Biscuit, Minty and Tabby-faaar xxx
I love the picture!
Two of my characters I knew instantly, when I found pictures of them. The main character, I've never found the right picture so I've got to know her as I've progressed through the story. I shall obviously have to go back to early chapters and rewrite a bit, but that's okay with me.
I love 'hearing' the excitement in your words!
Great to hear you have two projects on the go, Pat. Good luck with them!
Hahaha, Pat, on taking our characters to bed with us!!!
Well I'm sure I don't know what you mean!!! **flutters eyelashes innocently**
I take them to bed with me - so to speak! I mull them over and over in my head and wonder what they'd do in situations. I talk to them - yes, I know....! Fx
And I bet Cookie Crumble, Ginger Biscuit, Minty and Tabby-faaar think you're talking to them, Helen!
Love back to them!
Thanks, JJ. It's great when we find pictures that match the ones in our heads, isn't it! The Queen in my story plays (tries to play) a trombone and I was amazed to find a picture of a queen sprawled across a 4-poster bed playing one.
Quite spooky really.
So, Liz, my characters talk to you, too *smile*.
Starting a new book is always exciting.
Thanks, Amanda. G'luck back at you!
Christina, I wouldn't dare take any of your characters to bed with me!!
Fionnuala, I have visions of all of us ending up in the Mad Authors' Rest Home. Just imagine the noise as we lie in bed talking to our characters.
I do a detailed character study for each one so I know everything about them - and I take them on walks with me, shopping, everywhere! I agree, it's a very exciting time Pat.
Most of my characters are a tad on the shady side. TF! What? Take your sunglasses off! :)
I love doing personality sheets, Flowerpot.
TF, I've met some of your characters - or seen bits about them - by knocking on 13 green doors.
Anyone who wonders wth I'm talking about, just go visit:
My characters are always in my head, especially as they're evolving. I love it.
Pat! **splutters**!!!!!
What a great idea! I have a character that I'm beginning to know better. I just need to get up the nerve to place her solidly in type!
It's a great feeling/experience isn't it, Debs!
Hmm, and so you should, Christina!
Hi, Pamela
Good to see you and Edward again. I'm sure your nerve will come when your character starts shrieking at you!
Glad to hear you are working on the book of your heart, Pat. Hmm, getting to know characters, interesting. It begins with almost a 'still' from a film for me.. who are these people? What are their names? And gradually I get a feel for who they are... and what's not right for them!
Hi Pat, getting to know the character in my paranormal novel has been relatively easy as it's more or less based on me!
Hope the new character for you is going in the right direction.
CJ xx
P.S. Did you see that I published a children's book - details on my blog.
I talk to them in my head. Sometimes they really get on my nerves and I wish I hadn't created them. They don't always do what I want them to do.
When I'm at work, taking minutes at a Council meeting, I imagine them being there and what they would say.
Chris, I love hearing how other authors get to know their characters.
Crystal, congrats on publishing your book. It looks great.
I can just imagine you adding your characters' comments to the Council Meeting minutes, Annie. Congratulations on your grand-daughter with such a pretty name.
I love that mock up.
The first stage for me is always to get the right name for a character; I'm fascinated by people's names. After that tho' I'm afraid I leave the rest up to them. Things seem to kind of fall into place somehow. How wishy washy is that? (I know it's terrible - I'm not suggesting anyone should follow my esample!)
I agree with Hoeysuckle - getting the right is so important. After that the character grows. I need to know what motivates them and what holds them back.
I agree with you on needing to get the the right names, Honeysuckle and Mistlethrush. Also I find it almost impossible to start writing a book until I've got a title.
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