Yet another good mate Nell Dixon is having a blog party to celebrate the release of her latest book. You can reads snippets from Animal Instincts and there'll be door prizes and a contest, too.
Also, don't forget to go and see my 'other side of the hill' friend, Shirley Wells and enter her unusual competition. The lucky winner will receive a signed copy of her third 'Jill and Max' crime fiction title: Where Petals Fall
Happy partying and competition entering, everyone.
Thanks for birthday greetings, Pat. Hope all is well with you.
I've already entered Shirley's competition. I'll pop over and check what's going on at Nell's as well. The furry people say hi x
Hi, Weaver
Hope Tess had a great one *smile*.
All's well here, thanks, as long as the snow stays away.
Oh, yes, Helen, my furry N&Ns will probably like Nell's book!
Thanks for the link, Pat. I'll be putting up a link to Nell's blog party. It looks great.
Is that, um, white stuff forecast for Wednesday...?
I've had a go at Shirley's. Now off to check out Nell's. It's all go isn't it:-)
Hope you're well Pat.
Shirley, I think I'll unlink you if you make it do the 's' word again!
Rivals then, Lane *grin*. It is all go just lately, isn't it!
We're fine here, thank you, hope all you are, too?
Gosh, what clever writerly friends you have!! I shall go and check out the competitions :-)
C x
Thanks for that Pat - will go and take a look...
Hugs, thanks Pat! First contest is up and you can read all about the animals in my book - they're pretty interesting lol.
I'e entered Shirleys, now I'm off to Nel's blog to enter that one too.
Hi, Carol
That's exactly what I thought when I ordered a few books from the library today - all by authors I know - either 'in the flesh' or through blogging.
Shh! I've already bought some of the ones I ordered.
Flowerpot and Debs
You'll have a great time over at Nell's!
I'd just like to say that this white stuff currently falling from the sky has nothing whatsoever to do with me. Nothing at all. Promise. ;o)
Ha, Shirley
So you heard me cursing you!!
It's all parties! Glad I'm back
:-) x
Lots of exciting stuff happening in blogland round your way...
I'm glad you're back, too, Amanda!
Honeysuckle, that's what's great about blogland, isn't it! We can go anywhere things are happening.
What a lovely idea - as well as supporting fellow writers by buying their books we can go and borrow thm from the library too!
Do you think anyone will mind if I borrow my own book if it gets published??
Big mistake in your last sentence, Tam! It should read: "Do you think anyone will mind if I borrow my own book WHEN it gets published??"
Off to visit right now!
Hope all is going well and smoothly for you.
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